I Intend to Play newFunctionaliTee

Mint Intend and then Mint ToPlay

This is the third in a series of NFT demos that I have put together on the Theta Blockchain. This one builds upon the functionality of the previous two (Metadata hash and SendLock) to demonstrate two contracts working together to provide the solution.

The solution is to provide an on-chain technique by which a project creator can test the water to see if there is enough interest to launch a bigger project. For instance, if the project only really makes sense if there are at least 500 people that support it, this IntendToPlay NFT combination technique can gauge interest via the Intend NFT and then allow for the transfer to the ToPlay NFT once the minimum threshold is reached.

Note that this is to gauge the support of people, not coin and that a single contract could be used, but then, but then I wouldn’t have a multi-contract demo to provide.

So, minting the Intend NFT shows that you’re interested in the project. Once enough people have shown interest, minting of the ToPlay NFT will be automatically enabled for those that hold the Intend NFT.

And now, more details.

Intend NFT

The Intend NFT has limitations which become features. It is soulbound, meaning that it cannot be transferred to another account but, it can be burnt. It is intended to be burnt and replaced by the ToPlay NFT. The ToPlay NFT will only mint to addresses that hold an Intend NFT. And, during that mint, the ToPlay contract burns the Intend NFT held by the account minting.

There is no limit to the number of these NFTs that can be minted, just one per wallet.

Contract address: 0x4fc38d4ec30fe79c37990309ad6d2f488c4c12a1

Link to DappIntend file for minting.


The ToPlay contract is a fully functional 721 with SendLock functionality. It will only mint to addresses that hold a Intend NFT. And, during the mint, the Intend NFT is burnt and replaced by the ToPlay NFT. The minting process will not be enabled in the ToPlay contract until there have been 7 Intend NFTs minted.

There is a limit of 84 ToPlay NFTs.

Contract Address: 0x1d8898b814cf8f33e78c2a5eecd363e3e52df361

Link to DappToPlay file for minting.


The cost of minting an Intend NFT is 5 Tfuel, cost of the ToPlay NFT is 4 Tfuel and the cost of SendLock protection is 1 Tfuel.

Step 1. Follow the link to the Intend NFT and mint.

Step 2. Tell a friend so at least 7 are minted

Step 3. Follow the link to the ToPlay NFT and mint.


I’d like to thank you for following along with these projects. The code used for the Metadata hash project has been used on all three demo projects. All code and data used to build each project is downloadable and verifiable. If you get the first demo, I’ll provide you the code that performs the verification.

I’d like to shout out to ThetaScan.io for providing the ‘dapp builder’ code which is used as the page that provide minting ability here.

SendLock newFunctionaliTee

Mint Link Below


As NFTs evolve to provide more services, the loss of that resource (or what that NFT grants access too) could cause significant emotional or even financial hardship.

This next Theta blockchain based NFT introduces a modification to the standard transfer design in 721 contracts that can be employed by NFT creators that will help protect the NFT resource in the case of the account being hacked.

When websites offer functionality that requires a ‘hot’ wallet (one that is always connected, or wallets where the user remains logged in for extended periods of time (like Metamask)) it opens up situations where family members or co-workers could find ways to access your resources.

Or, regardless of the wallet state, if someone else gets a copy of your private keys, they have complete access to your resources. If multiple people hold the same private keys, both people have full access to the resources of that wallet. If one is a hacker, chances are high you will lose everything you store in that wallet.

To help mitigate the damage done by less secure crypto wallets (and environments), the SendLock newFunctionaliTee contract allows the resource owner to register (or cash) the next transfer operation for the NFT before any damage can be done by a hacker.

The idea is like this:

  • Mint the NFT
  • Put the NFT in the wallet where you’ll use it
  • Perform a sendLockRegister() call giving it your backup wallet

Now, the next time a send operation is executed on this NFT, the contract will move it to the cashed location – NOT the requested location. And, once it’s been set, it can’t be unset. Thus, the hacker will not be able to override this functionality.

I encourage you to give it a try with this sample NFT. It cost 5 tfuel to mint, 3 tfuel to ‘flip’ the coin and 1 tfuel to register the SendLock wallet.

Here are some links to the SendLock NFT.

Contract Address: 0x738acc1ecf2339079c54a8bf8fc47aa3535bb65f

Minting Page


Metadata Hash – newFunctionaliTee


In celebration of my ’24 New Years goals, I’ve launched my first ‘official’ New Functionali-Tee smart contract on the Theta blockchain. I’m calling it the Metadata Hash NFT which shows a technique by which an NFT project author can demonstrate file authenticity while using a private server.
Mint Here!


Well, I’ve put some thought into the whole InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) idea and it doesn’t really make sense to store somethings forever. Imagine if the concert you went to in ’84 was an NFT and the ticket was an NFT that was issued and redeemed within a couple months. Would it make sense to have that digital garbage still hanging around 40 years later? Probably not. Seems like a waste of global resources.

But, if you were the chairman of the band’s fanclub you would probably want to save all that original data. If you do, the cost of ownership is local and most likely manageable.

The complication comes when proving you hold the original data.

Blockchains help with this. If you hash a file and then store that hash on the blockchain, it doesn’t matter who owns the file or where it is stored, if you have the original file you can prove it by generating the original hash.

This project takes advantage of this functionality by hashing all the files used to build this NFT and writing those hashes into a project file which is intern hashed. That final hash is stored on the blockchain.

If someone gets a copy of the root file (which holds all the hashes) they can prove that they have an original by hashing it. If the hash matches the blockchain value the file is unaltered. Then, all the hashes stored within that project file can be used to validate that all the other files (images, whitepaper, etc) are also unaltered.

This allows a level of verification that allows project creators to change servers and still prove they have the original files. This might allow an artist to sell his creation to a different company and that new owner can serve the project in a verifiable way.

In the end, the public cost is a hash on the blockchain.

The NewFunctionaliTee

Contract: 0x3af8d9df292ba083fb37d71df813f6d5ab0ad450

Whitepaper: https://amorstyle.com/nfts/metadatahash/whitepaper.pdf

Project: https://amorstyle.com/nfts/metadatahash/metadatahash.json

And, if you’d like to mint one of these NFTs, click HERE!