Mint Intend and then Mint ToPlay

This is the third in a series of NFT demos that I have put together on the Theta Blockchain. This one builds upon the functionality of the previous two (Metadata hash and SendLock) to demonstrate two contracts working together to provide the solution.
The solution is to provide an on-chain technique by which a project creator can test the water to see if there is enough interest to launch a bigger project. For instance, if the project only really makes sense if there are at least 500 people that support it, this IntendToPlay NFT combination technique can gauge interest via the Intend NFT and then allow for the transfer to the ToPlay NFT once the minimum threshold is reached.
Note that this is to gauge the support of people, not coin and that a single contract could be used, but then, but then I wouldn’t have a multi-contract demo to provide.
So, minting the Intend NFT shows that you’re interested in the project. Once enough people have shown interest, minting of the ToPlay NFT will be automatically enabled for those that hold the Intend NFT.
And now, more details.
Intend NFT
The Intend NFT has limitations which become features. It is soulbound, meaning that it cannot be transferred to another account but, it can be burnt. It is intended to be burnt and replaced by the ToPlay NFT. The ToPlay NFT will only mint to addresses that hold an Intend NFT. And, during that mint, the ToPlay contract burns the Intend NFT held by the account minting.
There is no limit to the number of these NFTs that can be minted, just one per wallet.
Contract address: 0x4fc38d4ec30fe79c37990309ad6d2f488c4c12a1
Link to DappIntend file for minting.
The ToPlay contract is a fully functional 721 with SendLock functionality. It will only mint to addresses that hold a Intend NFT. And, during the mint, the Intend NFT is burnt and replaced by the ToPlay NFT. The minting process will not be enabled in the ToPlay contract until there have been 7 Intend NFTs minted.
There is a limit of 84 ToPlay NFTs.
Contract Address: 0x1d8898b814cf8f33e78c2a5eecd363e3e52df361
Link to DappToPlay file for minting.
The cost of minting an Intend NFT is 5 Tfuel, cost of the ToPlay NFT is 4 Tfuel and the cost of SendLock protection is 1 Tfuel.
Step 1. Follow the link to the Intend NFT and mint.
Step 2. Tell a friend so at least 7 are minted
Step 3. Follow the link to the ToPlay NFT and mint.
I’d like to thank you for following along with these projects. The code used for the Metadata hash project has been used on all three demo projects. All code and data used to build each project is downloadable and verifiable. If you get the first demo, I’ll provide you the code that performs the verification.
I’d like to shout out to for providing the ‘dapp builder’ code which is used as the page that provide minting ability here.