Installing the Selene Network

The Selene Network core code is a software download that just about anyone can install. The basic idea is to download it, modify the configuration file and then upload the code to your server. If you follow the instructions outlined within the zip file download, you will become a node in the Selene Network distributed sales system.

Where’s the code?

The zip file is located on this server. Clicking the following link will download the file:

SHA1 Hash: d79254049476a5f50c91677da792cafba4cda753

If you download on Windows, you can validate the zip file by running the certification tool like “certutil -hashfile SHA1” and you should get the same SHA1 hash as above.

After Validating the download

Inside the zip file, there is a Selene_Network_Install_and_Setup.pdf file. Reading that document (carefully) and copying files to your server shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

Setting up your own Gallery

There is another document in the zip file that instructs you how to launch your own gallery smart contract using That document is Selene_Network_Gallery_Creation.pdf.

Empowering people to use the core code

Another document within the zip file is Selene_Network_User_Manual.pdf. This file explains a little bit about some of the configuration options that a website visitor can use in order to get different effects out of the core display.

Kickin’ the tires

What you see on is what you get. If you want to see what the download provides, just visit my site. Play with it a little. If you don’t believe, visit another site that has downloaded the software and see how it compares. 

Details and upgrades

When I develop new functionality in the core code, it will first be implemented on my server showing the new version number in the footer of the page. During this ‘jell’ period, anyone with projects that currently exist on the platform will be encouraged to test that the projects still functions as intended as seen my the new code on my server.

Once the test period is over, the new version of the code will be uploaded as a zip file for download and the file will be updated to contain the newly tested code.


People running the code should take note of the current version they are running so that if they encounter a blocking issue, they can simply reinstall the last working version – and report a bug fix request (get ahold of me, or fix it in the code and give me the fix.).


It is expected that the person that downloads and installs this code has a working understanding of how to install files on a typical website. You will need to create a few subdirectories that will be referenced by your domain name and upload (and maybe edit) files there.

To build your own gallery, you will need to have some understanding with regards to how to launch a smart contract using the smart contract HQ code.


If the install process is too complicated, give me feedback. If you like the code and want new functionality, let me know and maybe I’ll add it. If you want to make significant changes to the core, talk to me and I’ll help guide you. Party on!