Launching a Compatible Smart Contract

Hit another Selene Network milestone today. I’ve published documentation sample code and the built-in documentation that allows anyone to launch their own Selene Network compatible smart contract.

The idea is, you download a ZIP file which is a working example of a simple project and then you modify it to fit your needs.

If you have no coding experience, you don’t need to modify anything but you just use the ABI and bytecode that is already provided.

It’s really that simple.

The documentation explaining how to do this is included in the ZIP file itself.

I’ve launched a version of this contract and it can be viewed using the Selene Network software with the following URL:

If you want to download this example, that can be done by clicking on ‘’ on the download page:

As with all downloads, please verify the code is unaltered using the SHA1 hash.

Video Documenting the Selene Network

After building the ‘reel’ functionality into the Selene Network, I decided to leverage that infrastructure to build in references to videos that talk about different elements of the software.

Basically, by describing the pieces, I’m hoping to be able to convey the overall idea.

A link to the playlist can be found within the Selene Network code itself. Visit a Selene Network install and click the ‘cap’ in the upper right hand corner.

If there are elements of the Selene Network that still don’t make sense to you, please let me know.

The Wallet Educational Series

Wallet Education Module

I’ve built another project using Selene Network functionality. This time, it’s a tokengated video series to teach people how to use crypto wallets in a secure fashion. It’s effectively a collection of videos that are uploaded to the Theta EdgeCloud which uses Theta DRM to unlock access.

I would encourage anyone (and everyone) to get one of these Digital Access Tokens (DAT) to not only learn about how wallets work, but more importantly, learn how the Selene Network works. Click the home icon and visit the project’s mint page.

To go with this DAT project, I modified the core Selene Network code to introduce the idea of a video reel. The project creator authors a JSON file that describes the videos (kinda modeled after other video service providers) so that there are clickable thumbnails to the videos. Here is a link that unravels this projects reel, link.

The information about the reel is referenced in the core Metadata that describes the project. Thus, a visitor to the project can see that there is a video reel associated with the project and they can view it.

It’s another demo!

Yet you will most likely learn something about wallets and crypto if you get this DAT and watch the series.

Behind the scenes

This project demonstrates a simple PayWith type Selene Network project. This is effectively the type of project that you could develop if you purchased the “Simple Paywtih NFT Project” package. The key difference between this package and the “Simple NF Project” is the ability to pay using ETH, POL, BNB or Tfuel.

Another thing that is unique to this project is that the JSON data that describes the video reel is editable by the project creator. This means that a project like this could be used to tokengate regularly generated content. The creator would simply upload the video to the Theta EdgeCloud and then edit the JSON data that is used by the project. Once changed, the project will show the new video and use the same smart contract to DRM the content.

Keep in mind that I’m raffling off projects all year through the “Where’s the Cheese?” project. If you get a raffle ticket, you might just win one of these projects.

One last thing

With regards to the video reel functionality, the Selene Network code allows for linking to either YouTube or Theta EdgeCloud videos. The idea here is that the video that is linked in to YouTube is the video that introduces the viewer to the product that is tokengated. This allows the project creator the ability to explain what the product is – in video form – for the customer.