Core Collection
The videos, presented here, can be thought of as a playlist that will educate you on the functionality that the Selene Network software delivers. There are a number of elements that all come together to create the experience that is open for anyone to use. Start with the introduction, for it gives the design parameters. After that, check out other sub-systems.
Selene Network Introduction
High level overview; an intro to what I'm doing.
Layout Overview
How the code displays a project and why it was designed this way.
Incentivization Process
It's up to the product creator to incentivize the sales people to raise awareness of the offering.
Connecting Metamask
Installing, connecting and explaining why Metamask is used.
More Advanced Instruction
The following sections are enabled for Participant NFT holders. Pick up a Participant to enable the content.
Basic How To Instruction
This section is enabled for Participants and it covers some basic functionality.
Installing the Selene Network Software
Showing you how to install the high level code.
Launching your own Gallery SC
How you launch a Gallery smart contract and reference it.
Registering a Partner Agent
Showing you how to register a new Partner Agent.
Influencer User Guide
Showing different ways to use the code via the URL.
The Penny Oracle
How prices stay dollar stable.
Interacting with Compatible Smart Contract
Easy access to advance functionality via
Wordpress SelNet Plugin
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