The Pay with crypto demo v1

In this latest Selene Network NFT project, I’m demonstrating how a project can accept one currency and then mint an NFT on the Theta blockchain.

The basic idea is built around the following fictitious scenario.


A musician wants to tokengate his discord channel so that only paying fans are allowed in. The musician downloads this demo code and launches his own version of the contract on the Theta blockchain. Because it provides all the interfaces needed for the Selene Network code, it displays perfectly fine for his fans. He knows that a few of his fans are Agents in the network so he pays 15% commissions on a $250 NFT. Knowing that a bulk of the people what support his music are also huge Ethereum fans, he chooses to accept ETH for minting (along with the standard Tfuel). He then funds the Theta blockchain account that performs the minting and the buttons are enabled in the webpage. At this point, the musician announces to the world that his fan-club NFTs can be minted using Metamask.


At this point, the demonstration of this end-to-end solution is in action. Please go mint all the different versions of the NFT.

The complication is that the minting is done by an off-chain oracle that runs on a 15-minute heartbeat. The environment needed to run this local server is unique to developing web-based projects, thus my system is the only one currently setup to perform this background processing which results in the mint.

It wouldn’t take much to develop that backend solution, but that work won’t be done unless people like the direction of this project. You know, if there is a need, there is a solution.

So, if you like where this project is going, but the NFT and tell a friend. If enough people like this functionality, I might be motivated to develop the backend into something anyone could run and use.

Take a look at the Project

Pay with Crypto Demo V1

One last thing

I’ve designed this demo so that when you mint the NFT, you get a different image based upon the currency that you use to pay. And, if I add new payment methods, I can add new payment images to reflect that additional functionality. Thus, collect them all!

Posted in Selene Network.